Thursday, July 25, 2013

A New Chapter

A New Chapter begins with observing a huge Milestone!

After serving on the AfricaMercy in Togo with Mercy Ships, I asked God to open a way for me to continue to serve internationally.  I was working in a job that was providing well for my needs, yet I was exploring ideas and talking with many people with a future time line in mind, not immediate. God intercepted my path in an unmistakable fashion.

This winter I heard of a couple, Stephen and Ruth Fisher, who had been ministering in several countries in Africa. I was meeting people who knew this couple, and I was hearing how they experienced many hardships and had also seen God work powerfully. I emailed them to say I was interested in serving in a nursing capacity. They would soon be coming to the USA, and they agreed to meet. When I met them for the first time in beautiful Lancaster, Pennsylvania, I was moved by their powerful faith, perseverance, love for their work, and a genuine warmth. It wasn't long after that I found out they were speaking to a church missions group in a town about two hours away from where I live in VA. That very Sunday, as I sat in the church's worship service right next to the Fishers, the pastor spoke a message in which he emphasized hearing from God about where we serve. Interestingly, the pastor emphasized, "Just because there is a need, and just because you are willing to fill it, does not necessarily mean you are the one God has in mind. You need to hear from God."   I listened to the Fishers share at a picnic later that day, and I asked God to make it clear to Keli, speaking my language, making it unmistakably clear as to what He wanted me to do.

I cried out to God to show me quickly. I prayed diligently, analyzing every "sign" and thought. A week later I was weary and decided God would just have to make it clear to me, Keli, anyway He chose, but I had other things to think about for now.

That next week I decided it was time for me to attend to my weekly reading of the book of Galatians as Pastors Cliff and Robby were asking those of us at Movement Church to do to prepare for Sunday and community group discussions. In a simple moment of obedience, practicing what my church was directing, I opened the book

Galatians 1

New International Version (NIV)
Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead and all the brothers and sisters[a] with me...
The word "sent" JUMPED off the page. SENT!  The word was instantly penetrating every part of me. I went for a walk down my beautiful street - I didn't read all of Galatians that morning.
Sent... when I send something to someone, I have chosen it with a purpose in mind for those to whom I am sending it.
...  When I send something, I contemplate the price to purchase and send it with the goal for it to be used and build their lives in some way. 
...When I send something it is to bring some sort of change - positive, of course.
Sent... I, Keli, was being sent. Not from nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father.
Within a month I attended the yearly convention in Missouri for their umbrella organization, Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association. I witnessed them receiving this wonderful plaque for all their years of service! I became credentialed in the association as well - which has been encouraging.)

In July Project Redemption Ministries held a wonderful evening for supporters in Pennsylvania. The evening began with Stephen and Ruth welcoming the generous people who give and pray for the work where the Fishers have been for the last 16 years - Zambia, Africa

 Ruth, who has spent her life as an RN in Africa,  gave her testimony to the healings in the clinic. Powerfully she spoke about a family carrying their daughter who died in their arms as they were walking in the night to the clinic. Several hours from the clinic they still pressed on, knowing the clinic had LIFE. On their way, after the child died, the child's breath of life returned- the child was instantly healed.  The family proceeded to the clinic to say what had happened! There was much JOY!
Steve and Ruth gave me, Keli, an opportunity to address their supporters.

And I am not the only one the LORD is calling to this new adventure; this is Stephen (yes, another STEVE!) who is a mechanic and has felt the call of God to go, too.

During this same trip to Pennsylvania, items that would be shipped, literally, had to be prepared for being picked up by a transport truck to be taken to a port in Maryland. Here are some of the drums packed with tools, and more tools, books, extra clothing, lots of donated shoes, blankets for the when it will get cold at night (low 40's during parts of the year and we have no heat). People have donated generously, and many items have been purchased, so 20 drums are being shipped.  Much expense was incurred, but people are generous, God is generous, and there are needs to be met in Zambia in the Name of our Generous Creator.
Please consider contributing to the work in Zambia
Please consider a monthly pledge to the work and adding this ministry to your automatic bill pay for $25, $50, $100/month for either "The Fishers," "Stephen Majeski," or "Keli Price" on the memo line.

Anchor Bay Evangelistic Association
P. O. Box 406
Maryville, IL 62062
Coming attractions: See the new team arrive in Zambia, See the 20 drums make it to the village compound.