This Spring, 2013, 50 year career missionaries, Stephen and Ruth Fisher, left their home in Zambia to visit the USA. Prior to their leaving, they had experienced vehicle breakdowns, a new vehicle not being released in customs, seeing 30-60 patients a day in their Zambian bush clinic, and personal sickness (Ruth recovering from malaria) and health concerns (Ruth falling but now fully recovered). However, they had also experienced miracles of healing in the Zambian people, and a new windmill that was pumping clean water from the well.
A new chapter is being written. Stephen and Ruth came to the US as a team of two. While in the US, God has multiplied their work. Two more are returning with them, Keli and Stephen. Others are considering coming in the next year to contribute as well.
On the eve of their returning to Zambia, below are the words of Stephen and Ruth.
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It has been a hurried and a varied adventure, as we tried to contact the many who care about the life and way of those who are more unfortunate. We found that many were away for the summer or they have other interests at this time of the year.
But this tells me that times are changing, big time! So we set out to see. How we can best do what we are here to do, getting the parts we need to continue the work The Lord has called us to do.
So with that we again sent drums with supplies for the skid loader and the saw mill, and tools and supplies for the work we will be in when we get back.
Our people called us often to check how we are and to understand how soon we will be returning. They are anxious for Mom and Dad to be present. So far they are all well, and the place is not over run with sickness.
King David once said, "I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or his seed to beg for bread," and this is the magnitude of the God we serve! The intelligent do not understand this!
In this world of ours it is so full of problems of every sort as you well know. Disaster is everywhere and on every hand, but you know what? Our God has not died nor has he discontinued his plan nor altered his route! Therefore, we will not stop and quite. But we shall continue to tell the Nations and its people the life old message that Jesus is the Life Giver, and He will restore life to the weak, and that the hungry shall be filled. So live on my dear friends and be encouraged; the end is not yet. There are battles to be fought and we are a part of that. So be very courageous, very bold, and be very strong!
We are not aware of what the future holds, but we approach it as we do a horse; the bit is in his mouth, he has the strength and he has the power. But we have the control. And if we guide the beast with the control in our hands, the job will get done with honors. So we know we do not control the world. But the method we use to do our work is done like this.
Lord willing we will be leaving on the 28th and arriving in Zambia on the 29th, and then there will be great rejoicing, and we shall be overwhelmed with joy!
Then we are told that the water is being pumped very well. But we will be putting in a new 2" water line to carry the water to the tank as there is too much pressure with the wind wheel into the one and one half inch existing pipe. So we will have some corrections to make as soon as we return. But we are told that the vehicle is repaired and that a second one is also ready and so we will begin a new journey with fresh help, both for Ruth in the clinic (from Keli), and for Stephen in the vast work what ever (with Stephen M.) We will keep you informed. Thank you for your prayers and your help as we continue to make a difference in the lives of those who would otherwise have no hope.
Plans are to connect with Steve and Keli at the airport as they will be flying with us!
Faithfully, and in the Master's service, Stephen and Ruth Fisher
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